Zombies Among Us - Test Edition 1 T5A3 (9/9) Backups Needed!

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Zombies Among Us - Test Edition 1 T5A3 (9/9) Backups Needed!

Postby DJVoxel » Wed Oct 19, 2016 8:23 am

The zombies... they come to destroy us all… and we may not know what they are… until it’s too late!

1 year ago… a strange disease spread across the world, turning our dead into undead husks, who’s only job is to kill in order to create more of themselves. We called them zombies after the cliché movie stereotype of the undead searching for brains. We banded together to stop the incursion, but most of us died and were turned. Now there are only eight of us left, but we will keep on staying alive.

Yesterday we found another survivor holed up in a building. He was an ex-military pilot, wounded and running out of supplies. I remember the moment when we met him. He was scrawny and thin, staying at the back corner of the room. He held his hands out in front of himself as if it would defend himself from us and yelled, “Please no! I can’t die! Not yet!” This disturbed us, and we didn’t know why he was so afraid. “We’re not here to hurt you,” I replied. “We’ve been surviving together as you have, fighting off the horde of zombies.” He began to open up to us as we talked with him throughout the day, although the reason for his reaction wouldn’t be revealed until tomorrow.

Earlier today, we asked him why he was so afraid. “Don’t you know?” he replied. “The zombies have been evolving. Some into giant, mutated abominations, while others became more human-like, taking on personalities and looks like any of you.” We were shocked. If this was true any of us could be zombies in disguise, waiting to tear the others apart. We continued questioning him and learned that he had a radio nearby that could call in a helicopter to grant us transportation to a military safe haven, but if any of us were tested on arrival and found to be zombies, we would all be shot.

For now, we survive, trying to find if any in our midst are, in fact, zombies. But we can only hold out for so long, and the clock counting down to our demise has already begun ticking.

Zombies Among Us

This is a role-based game of deception, strategy, and survival. Not only will you be fighting each other in order to complete your win condition, but you will also be fighting against the zombies in the environment.

Loosely inspired by Residays' co-operative zombie survival game, Epidemic.

There are two teams, the Humans and the Zombies.

The Humans’ goal is to kill any evolved zombies hidden among their ranks.

The Zombies are split into two categories, Evolved Zombies, which are disguised as Humans and controlled by players, and Regular Zombies, which are controlled by a priority list and will spawn at the end of each round. Regardless, the Zombies’ goal is to kill all the Humans.

This game will be mostly played out in PMs (Similar to the Tower) and you will only be told of things in your Line of Sight. (Explained under Map Information)

The game is split into three phases, The Action Phase, The Zombie Phase, and The Spawn Phase.

The Action Phase:

Spoiler: During the Action phase, each player performs three actions, each one simultaneous with the other players’ actions. During the Action Phase, each player will PM me their first action, then I will reply with their results and Line of Sight. This will repeat for the other two actions.

The actions you can perform are:
- Move: Move to an adjacent sector, so long as there isn’t a closed door or wall blocking you. You cannot move diagonally. (Further explained in The Map section)
- Search: Search a Building Sector or Car for a weapon. Can only be done if no zombies are in the Sector.
- Open a Door: Requires a weapon that can open doors equipped. If this is the first door opened on a building, zombies will spawn inside. May make noise. (See the Inventory and Items section.)
- Reorganize Inventory and Trade With Another Player: This allows you to reorganize your inventory (See the Inventory and Items section.) and trade with any players in the same sector as you.
- Melee Attack: Requires an equipped melee weapon (range of 0). May make noise. (See the Inventory and Items section; and the Combat and Wounds section.)
- Ranged Attack: Requires an equipped ranged weapon (range maximum of 1 or more). May make noise. (See the Inventory and Items section; and the Combat and Wounds section.)
- Get in or out of a Car: Cannot be done if there are any zombies in the sector.
Change Seats in a Car: Move to another empty seat in the Car.
- Drive a Car: Must be in driver’s seat. Allows you to move through two Road Sectors per action. Cannot go into Building Sectors. Attacks any players or zombies in each Sector it moves into, passes over, or leaves. Cannot be done if there is a zombie in the car.
- Make Noise: Add a noise counter to your current Sector. (See the Inventory and Items section.)
- Do Nothing: Forfeit your action.

Map Information:

Spoiler: Sectors:

The map is split up into sectors, which are used to determine your position, Line of Sight, and the range of your weapons. There are two types of sectors on the map, Building Sectors and Road Sectors.

Road Sector are well, roads. Occasionally, you may find a car which you can get in, search inside, and drive around. Cars are locked and must be opened like doors. Otherwise, they don’t do much. You can move from a Road Sector to any adjacent Road Sectors, and any adjacent Building Sectors that have an open door connected to your sector.

Building Sectors are a bit different. Each of these sectors is a room in a building, and can be searched in. When in a Building Sector, you can only move to an adjacent Building Sector if there is a doorway connecting the Sectors, and can only move to a Road Sector if there is an open door connecting them.


Doors connect Road Sectors to Building Sectors and always start off locked. In order to open them, players will need to use a weapon that can open a door (eg. Fire Axe, Chainsaw.) and the Open a Door action. This also applies to cars, which are locked and need to be opened.

The first time the door of a building is opened, zombies are spawned in each of the rooms. (See Spawn Phase for details.)

Line of Sight:

Your line of sight is determined by the sectors in straight lines spreading out away from yours. You can see through an infinite number of road sectors and one building sector in the directions North, South, East, and West of your locations. However, you cannot see through closed doors.

After performing each action, you will be notified of what, if anything is in your Line of Sight. Keep in mind that anything you see can also see you.

Spawn Zones:

Spawn Zones are Road Zones where Zombies will spawn during the Spawn Phase. (See Spawn Phase for details)

Inventory and Equipment:
Spoiler: Every player will start with a weapon. There will be one Fire Axe given out, one Pistol, and one Crowbar. Everyone else will start with a Pan.

Each player (with the exception of the Survivalist) can carry up to three items and equip two weapons at the beginning of the game.

When performing a Search action inside a Car or a Building Sector, you may receive a weapon or item, which will be put in your inventory and automatically equipped if you do not already have two weapons equipped.

Most items will have stats, which are, Range, Number of possible hits, Accuracy, Damage, and Noise. (See Combat and Wounds for most stats. See Zombie Phase for Noise)

Some weapons will be able to be dual-wielded. If you have two of them, they will take up one equipment slot, and their number of possible hits will be doubled.

Some items, rather than these stats, will have an effect instead. These effects vary based on the item.

There are two special items, Ma’s Shotgun and the Evil Twins. These items are very rare and only one of each can be acquired per game.


All players count as a Noise counter for the sector they occupy. Performing certain actions with certain items will generate Noise counters, and, if non-player zombies do not see a Human, they will move towards the Sector with the most Noise counters, making this a very important part of the game.

Whenever a player makes noise, that noise will be announced publicly at the end of the action. The noise heard will also be able to be used to identify what kind of weapon created the noise.
Based on this, you want to avoid making noise if you’re trying to be sneaky.

Combat and Wounds:

Spoiler: When a player performs a Melee Attack or Ranged Attack, a number of six-sided dice will be rolled equal to the number of possible hits stat on the equipped weapon being used. Each roll that is a number higher than the accuracy stat of the weapon is a hit, and will deal the weapon’s damage to the target. In order to kill a zombie, you need to deal damage equal to or greater than its health in a single hit, meaning no matter how many hits you get with a 1 damage weapon, you cannot kill a 2 or 3 health zombie. If the weapon used creates noise in combat, it will generate one noise counter for each combat action used. (See the Inventory and Items section.)

Melee Attacks:

When performing a melee attack (an attack using a weapon with a minimum and maximum range of 0), the player’s number of hits will be determined, which they can distribute as they choose between anything in the same sector as the attacker.

Ranged Attacks:

When performing a ranged attack (an attack using a weapon with a maximum range of 1 or more), the player will choose a Sector within their weapon’s range and their Line of Sight to attack, the ranged attack ignores anything in any sectors between the one the player is currently occupying, and the targeted sector.

With a ranged attack, however, rather than choosing targets, hits are assigned to targets via a priority order. The lower priority targets will only be hit once all targets of the previous priority are eliminated.

The priority order from greatest to least priority is:

1 - Players (other than the shooter)
2 - Zombie Walkers
3 - Zombie Brutes/Abominations
4 - Zombie Runners

Meaning when you perform a ranged attack, if there are any players in the targeted sector, they will be the first to get hit, then the Walkers, and Brutes, and so on….

Car Attacks:

For every zombie or player in each sector a car leaves, passes through, or lands on, roll a die. On a 4, 5, or 6, that player of zombie will take 1 damage. Cars cannot kill Brutes and Abominations. This will generate a noise counter for each Sector within which a zombie or player is attacked.


If you are hit, you will take a number of wounds equal to the combined damage of the hits you took. For each wound you have, you get one less action on your turn (you get to choose which actions of the three you skip.) and can hold one less item in your inventory.

When you reach three wounds, you die!

Resolving Conflicting Actions:

Since actions are all done simultaniously, there may be some conflicts, for example a player trying to attack a player that is trying to move. In scenarios like these, I will flip a coin to determine the action that resolves first.

Zombie Phase:

Spoiler: During this phase, every non-player zombie in the game will move or attack, based on their priority.

Zombies will always move and attack based on the following priority from highest priority to lowest:

1 - In the same Sector as a Human - Attack
2 - Move towards the closest Human in Line of Sight
3 - Move towards the Sector with the most Noise counters

After all non-player zombies have done their action, all Zombie Runners will perform their second action based on the same priority.

For priority 1 and 2 I said Humans, because the players with Evolved Zombie roles will be completely ignored by the non-player zombies unless that zombie is provoked by the Evolved Zombie, via being attacked.

When non-player zombies attack, they will always hit and inflict wounds equal to their damage. However, when two or more players are in the same sector as an attacking zombie, they will decide amongst themselves who will take the wound.

Spawn Phase:

Spoiler: During the spawn phase, a random number of zombies, determined by the spawnlist, will be determined via a die roll for each of the Spawn Zones on the map, these zombies will be placed in the Sectors containing their respective Spawn Zones.

The zombie groups that can be rolled on the spawnlist will become more challenging to deal with as the game progresses.

Before the first Action Phase, there is an extra Spawn Phase which will (hopefully) spawn a couple zombies to be used as combat fodder until things start becoming more difficult.

Special Spawning Rules:
- Each Zombie Brute will spawn with two Zombie Walkers.
- There can only be one Zombie Abomination active at any given time. If a second Zombie Abomination were to be spawned, it is instead replaced with a Zombie Brute and two Zombie Walkers.

The same spawning rules for the Spawn Phase apply to each room of a building when the first door on the building is opened for the first time.

At the end of the Spawn Phase, all of the noise counters for each Sector reset to 0.

Ending the Game:

Spoiler: The game ends when either:
All Humans are dead
All Evolved Zombies are dead.

Anyone on the other team still alive is a winner!

Good luck! Have fun! And try not to get your brains eaten!

General Rules:

Spoiler: 1. Do NOT copy anything I PM you into the thread.
2. Do not gamethrow
3. Do not PM each other about the game unless I'm being sent those PMs too and you're in the same sector.
4. You can post stuff in the thread and discuss with each other.
5. If you do not send your action within 24 hours of your last PM from me, you will be prodded. After another 24 hours, you will be replaced.


Spoiler: Everyone is given a role which will either make them a Human, or an Evolved Zombie. They are also given a weapon.

The Humans have to kill the Evolved Zombies, and vice versa.

There are three phases, The Action Phase, where you can take up to three of various actions such as move, search, and attack; The Zombie Phase, where the non-player zombies move and attack; and the Spawn Phase, where new zombies are spawned.

After each action you will be told your result and what is in your line of sight.

If you get hit, you take wounds, when you get to three wounds, you die.

The game ends when all players on one team are killed.

Human Roles:

Spoiler: Commando:
- Combat Dressing: Can heal a wound of a player in the same sector for 3 turns, allowing him to perform an extra action and regain the inventory slot, but they are still considered to have that wound.
- Requires Bandages
- Consumed by action

- Heal: Can heal a wound on a player in the same sector, granting the health and action back to the player it’s performed on.
- Requires Syringe or Bandages.
- Consumed by action

- Test: Can test a player’s blood to determine whether or not they’re a zombie.
- Requires Syringe
- Consumed by action

- Starts with 2 wounds
- Radio: Can radio in a supply drop, which contains three random items once every three turns

- Pick Lock: Open a locked door or car without generating noise, even without a weapon.

- Skilled Driver: Able to avoid driving over other players when moving into their sector in a car.

- Perceptive: Able to search once per turn without consuming an action.

- Explosives Expert: Creates a molotov every three turns, which has a range of 0-1 and will kill any players or zombies in the targeted area.

Arms Dealer:
- Weapons Expert: Weapon accuracy value for all weapons reduced by 1.

Secret Agent:
- Sneaky: Can move about unnoticed by players and zombies so long as they don’t spend an entire action in a sector.

- Supernatural Perception: Can commune with the dead.

- Sharpshooter: Can use a Rifle as though it had a Scope.

Evolved Zombie Roles:

Spoiler: Evolved Surveyor:
- Hive Mind: Can see the locations of all Zombies
- Evolved: Disguised as a Human.

Evolved Summoner:
- Undead Summoning: Can perform a two turn ritual that will summon an Abomination. You cannot perform any other actions during this time, and it will be announced when the ritual has begun publicly.
- Evolved: Disguised as a Human.

Evolved Shapeshifter:
- Disguise: Picks a role at the start of the game. Can use that role’s ability.
- Evolved: Disguised as a Human.

Non-player Zombie Types:
Spoiler: Zombie Walker:
1 Health, 1 Action, 1 Damage.

Zombie Runner:
- 1 Health, 2 Actions, 1 Damage.

Zombie Brute:
- 2 Health, 1 Action, 1 Damage.

- 3 Health, 1 Action. 3 Damage.
- Can currently only be killed by a Molotov.
- Giant: Instantly kills any Humans in the Sector it is in.

Item List:

Spoiler: Bandages:
- Can be used by a Doctor or a Commando.
- Does not take up an Inventory slot.

Baseball Bat:
Range: 0
# of possible hits: 1
Accuracy: 3+
Damage: 1
- Silent when attacking.
- Cannot open doors.

Range: 0
# of possible hits: 5
Accuracy: 5+
Damage: 2
- Makes noise when attacking.
- Makes noise when opening doors.

Range: 0
# of possible hits: 1
Accuracy: 4+
Damage: 1
- Silent when attacking.
- Silent when opening doors.

“Evil Twins” AKA Two Golden Pistols:
Range: 0-1
# of possible hits: 2
Accuracy: 4+
Damage: 1
- Makes noise when attacking.
- Cannot open doors.

Fire Axe:
Range: 0
# of possible hits: 1
Accuracy: 4+
Damage: 2
- Silent when attacking.
- Makes noise when opening doors.

- Get an extra item when searching.
- This effect works even when not equipped.

- Combine with Glass Bottles to make a Molotov.

Glass Bottles:
- Combine with Gasoline to make a Molotov.

Goalie Mask:
- Consume to prevent 1 wound.

Range: 0
# of possible hits: 2
Accuracy: 4+
Damage: 1
- Silent when attacking.
- Cannot open doors.

Range: 0
# of possible hits: 1
Accuracy: 4+
Damage: 2
- Silent when attacking.
- Cannot open doors.
- Dual-wieldable.

Ma’s Shotgun, a Machete mixed with a Sawed-Off:
- Requires 1 action to reload after attacking with the gun in order to attack again.
- Automatically reloads during the Spawn Phase.
Range: Blade: 0 Gun: 0-1
# of possible hits: Blade: 1 Gun: 2
Accuracy: 3+
Damage: 2
- Blade: Silent when attacking. Gun: Makes noise when attacking.
- Cannot open doors.

Range: 0-1
# of hits: 1
Accuracy: 0+ (guaranteed)
Damage: A lot
- Makes noise when attacking.
- Cannot open doors.
- Kills all zombies and players in the targeted sector.
- Consumed on use.

Range: 0
# of possible hits: 1
Accuracy: 6+
Damage: 1
- Silent when attacking.
- Cannot open doors.

Range: 0-1
# of possible hits: 1
Accuracy: 4+
Damage: 1
- Makes noise when attacking.
- Cannot open doors.
- Dual-wieldable.

Plenty of Ammo (Light):
- As long as this card is in your inventory you may re-roll all ranged actions once with the Pistol(s), Evil Twins, or Rifle.

Plenty of Ammo (Heavy):
- As long as this card is in your inventory you may re-roll all ranged actions once with the Sawed-Off(s), Shotgun, or Ma’s Shotgun.

Range: 1-3
# of possible hits: 1
Accuracy: 3+
Damage: 1
- Makes noise when attacking.
- Cannot open doors.

- Requires 1 action to reload after attacking in order to attack again.
- Automatically reloads during the Spawn Phase.
- If dual-wielding, 1 reload action will reload both guns.
Range: 0-1
# of possible hits: 2
Accuracy: 3+
Damage: 1
- Makes noise when attacking.
- Cannot open doors.
- Dual-wieldable.

- Combine with Rifle to get a Sniper Rifle. This allows you to freely choose your targets when attacking with the gun.

Range: 0-1
# of possible hits: 2
Accuracy: 4+
Damage: 2
- Makes noise when attacking.
- Cannot open doors.

Sub MG:
Range: 0-1
# of possible hits: 3
Accuracy: 5+
Damage: 1
- Makes noise when attacking.
- Cannot open doors.
- Dual-wieldable.

- Can be used by the Doctor or the Chemist.
- Does not take up an inventory slot.


Spoiler: Image

Grey Sector: Road Sector
Brown Sector: Building Sector
Small Red Rectangle: Door
Large Green Rectangle: Spawn Zone

Current Rolelist:

Spoiler: Commando
Any Human
Any Human

Evolved Surveyor
Any Evolved Zombie

1. Yauaustin202
2. sunfirejr
3. Damafaud
4. Cenvil
5. blacksmithkin
7. BlazinIce
8. AlwaysNever --> TheWolfBuddy
9. squimbles

1. Lucas8411
2. PeterTehDumb
3. davesport12

Keep in mind that this is a Test Edition. Many things may be subject to change. If you have any questions, even if it's something in the OP, ask anyway, and I will be willing to answer you.

If you have any suggestions, comments, or find an issue in the OP, I would be happy to hear them!
Last edited by DJVoxel on Thu Jan 19, 2017 7:38 am, edited 41 times in total.
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Re: Zombies Among Us - Test Edition 1 (Signups! 0/9)

Postby yauaustin202 » Wed Oct 19, 2016 8:35 am

i think i got it.
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Re: Zombies Among Us - Test Edition 1 (Signups! 1/9)

Postby sunfirejr » Wed Oct 19, 2016 8:58 am


Avatar and signature provided by AaronC, thanks Aaron (Slighly editied by me for a bit)

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Re: Zombies Among Us - Test Edition 1 (Signups! 2/9)

Postby DJVoxel » Wed Oct 19, 2016 9:38 am

Added a TL;DR for all of those people who are too lazy to read the whole thing.
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Re: Zombies Among Us - Test Edition 1 (Signups! 2/9)

Postby Damafaud » Wed Oct 19, 2016 9:56 am

A lot of reading, and it sounds nice!

/Join yo
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Re: Zombies Among Us - Test Edition 1 (Signups! 3/9)

Postby DJVoxel » Wed Oct 19, 2016 10:11 am

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Re: Zombies Among Us - Test Edition 1 (Signups! 3/9)

Postby DJVoxel » Wed Oct 19, 2016 10:22 am

Added General Rules, which I forgot to do earlier.
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Re: Zombies Among Us - Test Edition 1 (Signups! 3/9)

Postby Cenvil » Wed Oct 19, 2016 10:45 am

Spoiler: hope this not count as spamming

I want players to this test pls: game viewtopic.php?f=25&t=50804
Spoiler: the game might expand later. This is my very first try
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Re: Zombies Among Us - Test Edition 1 (Signups! 4/9)

Postby blacksmithkin » Wed Oct 19, 2016 4:13 pm

Hi, i would like to join as well, not really sure what to say, so um, hi. (i think i'm 5/9?)
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Re: Zombies Among Us - Test Edition 1 (Signups! 4/9)

Postby BRVR » Wed Oct 19, 2016 4:59 pm

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Re: Zombies Among Us - Test Edition 1 (Signups! 4/9)

Postby Damafaud » Wed Oct 19, 2016 5:54 pm

Residays wrote:So DJVoxel makes a game based of Epidemic (He said so in the fgmc discord server) and players that never participated in that game decide to join this.

Good thing I already got done for with things like this before right?

Spoiler: Good game though, I like the entire game, just not the luck.

Guilty as charged.
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Re: Zombies Among Us - Test Edition 1 (Signups! 6/9)

Postby DJVoxel » Thu Oct 20, 2016 5:45 am

Sorry for making all these small additions, I just keep playing through scenarios in my mind and coming up with solutions that need to be added to the rules.

That being said, I have added a Resolving Comflicting Actions section to the end of the Combat and Wounds section and I added a small note to the Spawn Phase section explaining that there is an extra Spawn Phase that takes place before the first Action Phase.
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Re: Zombies Among Us - Test Edition 1 (Signups! 6/9)

Postby BlazinIce » Thu Oct 20, 2016 5:58 am

But this:

- Giant: Instantly kills any Humans in the Sector it is in
Blatantly OP. Maybe instantly deals one damage?

And role suggestion:
Evolved Revivalist:
Revive: Bring back one human from the dead as a zombie (they are basically evolved disguiser without the evolved part and their role is the role they had before they died) in a random sector. Takes up one turn.
Tracking device: You will always know where the person you revived is.
Evolved: Disguised as a human
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Re: Zombies Among Us - Test Edition 1 (Signups! 6/9)

Postby AlwaysNever » Thu Oct 20, 2016 8:27 am

gonna try this out.
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Re: Zombies Among Us - Test Edition 1 (Signups! 6/9)

Postby DJVoxel » Thu Oct 20, 2016 8:56 am

BlazinIce wrote:/join
But this:

- Giant: Instantly kills any Humans in the Sector it is in
Blatantly OP. Maybe instantly deals one damage?

And role suggestion:
Evolved Revivalist:
Revive: Bring back one human from the dead as a zombie (they are basically evolved disguiser without the evolved part and their role is the role they had before they died) in a random sector. Takes up one turn.
Tracking device: You will always know where the person you revived is.
Evolved: Disguised as a human

Considering Abominations only have a 1/40 chance of spawning, and only gets 1 action per turb when you get 3, it's not as OP as you might think.

Also, that's great role suggestion! I'll mess around with it and probably add it in Test Edition 2.
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Re: Zombies Among Us - Test Edition 1 (Signups! 8/9)

Postby DJVoxel » Thu Oct 20, 2016 10:39 am

Map is up!
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Re: Zombies Among Us - Test Edition 1 (Signups! 8/9)

Postby squimbles » Thu Oct 20, 2016 12:33 pm

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Re: Zombies Among Us - Test Edition 1 (Signups! 8/9)

Postby DJVoxel » Thu Oct 20, 2016 1:00 pm

We are now at full capacity! I will be sending out roles momentarily.


Edit: just realized I only had 8 roles on the rolelist. I'm adding another Any Human slot now.
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Re: Zombies Among Us - Test Edition 1 (9/9) Confirmation Pha

Postby DJVoxel » Thu Oct 20, 2016 1:40 pm

All roles have been sent!

Please confirm that you got a role by typing /confirm.
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Re: Zombies Among Us - Test Edition 1 (9/9) Confirmation Pha

Postby squimbles » Thu Oct 20, 2016 1:42 pm

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Re: Zombies Among Us - Test Edition 1 (9/9) Confirmation Pha

Postby sunfirejr » Thu Oct 20, 2016 1:46 pm

Ugh with my luck I'm never gonna land a single hit

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Re: Zombies Among Us - Test Edition 1 (9/9) Confirmation Pha

Postby Cenvil » Thu Oct 20, 2016 1:50 pm

Spoiler: hope this not count as spamming

I want players to this test pls: game viewtopic.php?f=25&t=50804
Spoiler: the game might expand later. This is my very first try
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Re: Zombies Among Us - Test Edition 1 (9/9) Confirmation Pha

Postby BRVR » Thu Oct 20, 2016 3:46 pm

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Re: Zombies Among Us - Test Edition 1 (9/9) Confirmation Pha

Postby Damafaud » Thu Oct 20, 2016 6:04 pm

Toasts are nice. And cookies. COOKIES!

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Re: Zombies Among Us - Test Edition 1 (9/9) Confirmation Pha

Postby BlazinIce » Thu Oct 20, 2016 6:34 pm

How to get unlimited Town Points in Town of Salem
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