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Appealing: StopWhiteGenocide

PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 3:29 pm
by StopWhiteGenocide
Appealing this hate speech report. Apparently I'm not allowed to call a Brazilian a Brazilian? wtf is this, seriously.

Re: Appealing: StopWhiteGenocide

PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 3:30 pm
by TrialBot

Re: Appealing: StopWhiteGenocide

PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 4:35 pm
by Flavorable
Great on making assumptions.

But no, you got suspended for doxxing (phone number on Night 3). Doxxing is a serious issue, and this is why any and all personally identifiable information is absolutely not allowed.

Re: Appealing: StopWhiteGenocide

PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 5:09 pm
by StopWhiteGenocide
Flavorable wrote:Great on making assumptions.

a) Sick burn, bruh. Except for the part where I was reported for hate speech, making mine, y'know, the reasonable assumption. Then again, reason doesn't seem to be your strong suit, so more importantly…

b) I was 'suspended for doxxing', huh? You mean the part where I typed my own phone number to the friend I was playing with, privately, at night, in jail chat? That's very interesting, considering the Cambridge Dictionary (which I use only out of courteousy, given your past propensity for using it to justify suspensions[1]) defines it as follows[2]):

to publish private information about someone on the internet, without their permission and in a way that reveals their name, where they live, etc.

It is not possible to doxx oneself any more than it is possible to scam onself. With my own permission. Privately. To an acquaintance. You'd think someone who who so readily quotes the Cambridge Dictionary would be a bit more familiar with it. As noted above however, perhaps to expect reason of you is to expect too much; I suppose we shall have to await your response to be certain.



Re: Appealing: StopWhiteGenocide

PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:17 pm
by Flavorable
This game is not private, nor is it on us to assume what you share is your own information or not.

This is why sharing any personally identifiable information ingame is against the rules.

Re: Appealing: StopWhiteGenocide

PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:24 pm
by StopWhiteGenocide
Flavorable wrote:This game is not private, nor is it on us to assume what you share is your own information or not.

Gmail is public, but private messages I send to people I know aren't. Town of Salem is public, but private messages I send to people I know aren't.

Flavorable wrote:This is why sharing any personally identifiable information ingame is against the rules.

And which rule would that be, dearest overlord?

Re: Appealing: StopWhiteGenocide

PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 4:06 am
by TurdPile
Report is valid and valid suspensions may not be appealed.

Appeal Denied.