Dangan Ronpa XXVI - End

Subforum for the popular Dangan Ronpa forum games.

Dangan Ronpa XXVI - End

Postby UzayAltay » Sun Apr 18, 2021 5:14 am

The Plan of the Monokuma!

"Dear ... ..., the Ultimate ...

As you know, exactly 1 week after today is the anniversary of establishment of Hope's Peak Academy. Due to that, the traditional meeting which brings students and alumnis together will be held at that day. We are looking forward for you to join this meeting. Please come to conference hall of Hope's Peak Academy by 10 a.m. that day."

"Upupupupupupu. Everything is ready for the plan.
The World will be filled with Despair, again."

The game has seven phases:
- Daily life -> During this phase, Players are able to speak to each other and do day actions.
- Twilight -> During this phase, players will decide where they want to go first at night, and can can apply for being Blackened.
- Nightly Life -> All players and the host are free to roam the facility and carry out any actions they desire. It is during this time that the Blackened will put their plan into action and commit murder.
- Deadly Life -> Also known as the Investigation Phase. The players investigate the murder in an attempt to find evidence that will identify the Blackened.
- Class Trial -> The players know have the opportunity to make accusations and, using the evidence, find the killer.
- Results -> The results of the trial are made known and the true culprit revealed. Then whoever was voted as the killer will be executed.
- Intermission -> The game is halted for a few days for players to discuss previous events and prepare for the coming day.

Daily Life
Spoiler: Daily Life is the first of the phases, during which two things occur:

1. Players are allowed to freely interact with each other and NPCs.
2. Players are allowed to send their day actions. There will be 2 day actions per day. For reference, each day action worths 5 subaction, but you may only move to another room once.
If any player does not send any action, their action will not be autoed but they simply won't leave from the room/area everyone meets.
This period lasts 48 hours normally.

Spoiler: Twilight is the second phase. Three things occur in this phase.
1. Players are allowed to freely interact with each other and NPCs.
2. Players may send a request to the host to be picked to be the murderer, aka The Blackened. If multiple people apply, one of them will be chosen at random.
If no one applies, a random player will be forced on the role.
3. Players may send their A0 actions, which determines where they start at the night. If a player does not send a choice, they start at their room. Players can just move to the any room during this phase, but cannot do any action at there until night phase.

This phase lasts 24 hours normally.

Nightly Life
Spoiler: After Nightly Life is the third phase, during which most of the game takes place.
Several things happen here:

1. The Blackened is notified of their status and MUST kill someone.

2. Players begin in their rooms and must PM the host with what they wish to do. Each player has 6 actions, except for The Blackened who has an extra two for clean up. Players who do not respond for 24 hours will be auto'd and their safety is NOT guaranteed (Indeed, if you know anything about me, you know I'm likely to auto you into a knife in the face).

3. Once all actions have been sent (except for inactives), the host will put together your actions. For example:

Segaco wrote:For action 1, I will go to the kitchen and get a big slice of cake.

UzayAltay(host) wrote:Action 1 results: You leave your room and head to the Kitchen. On the way there, you run into Achro, who screams and runs away, and Ibney, who accompanies you to the kitchen. Upon arriving there, you grab a knife and notice Ibney doing the same. Before you can react, you feel the cold blade sliding into your ribs, once, twice, thrice. You can't even scream as you slump to the floor, the last thing you see is a blood-stained Ibney, smiling down at you.

You are dead.

(PS- You will get a feedback after day actions and twilight action, too)
- As you can see, the other players (Ibney and Achro) are also going about their actions, just like our example-player Segaco. This way, alibis can be presented during the Trial. For example, Segaco could tell others he saw Ibney taking a knife if it would be relevant to the case. Except Segaco is dead on night one AGAIN, so he can't actually do that. God damn it, Segaco.

- Under normal circumstances, you have a 24 hour window to send actions. Failure to do so without prior notifications will result in your character being auto'd, and when the host is a murderous bitch, that's not a good thing.

- What fits in an action is kind of subjective, but since this has caused problems in the past, the new guidance is as follows: Each action will be divided into 4 sub-actions, which means you may do four things in an action at most. MOST activities will cost you one sub-action, but there are exceptions - Moving rooms will cost you TWO sub-actions (One for leaving the first room and one for arriving in the second room), and the murderer gets SIX sub-actions ONLY DURING THE ACTION THEY COMMIT MURDER. All other actions they have the same as everyone else.

4. The Blackened is treated just like any other player, with one exception: the host will try to keep the Blackened from getting caught. This is very vague but this could be done by, for example, giving the Blackened better reflexes than normal players. So yes, the blackened will always end up killing you if they are set on doing so.

- Another point that must be mentioned: unless you are the blackened, you cannot stay in the same room for more than three actions in a row. Attempting to do so will attract the attention of a certain NPC, whose attention you do NOT want to attract.

5. After the last action, everyone will automatically go to their own rooms, where they will sleep until Deadly Life begins. If three or more people discover a body before the last action (*) though, a Body Discovery Announcement will happen and Deadly Life will start early. Players cannot be hurt by other players once they've reached their room after the last action. The Blackened won't automatically go to their room then, as they have two more actions to clean up/do stuff if they must.

(*) This of course always goes in favor of the blackened. If they are doing something in a room with the dead victim and two people are about to enter I'll either have him hide or have the body announcement happen when the two innocents walk in. If the blackened does not want any of these choices, I'll ask him what he wants to do about that. Either way, I'll always pick the option that befits the blackened's plan.

6. The Blackened has a maximum kill number of two people. Suicides are allowed, but suiciding does not fulfill Blackened's killing duty. In other words, Blackened must still kill someone else even if they suicide.

7. I am reintroducing a little mechanic from Ciary's game: Nightly Events. Once a night, there will be special event occurring somewhere on the map. These events are NOT MANDATORY to attend, they are mostly for fun, but seeing one may prove beneficial for you....or may get you severely hurt.

[*]Clarifying since this caused some problems last game: Each event takes place over ONE action, starting at the end of the prior action (So for example, an event will start at the very end of Action 3 and continues through Action 4, ending when Action 4 ends) involves one or more of the NPCs and will occur in ANY room, regardless of whether a player is occupying it or not. Players may attempt to interact with the event in any way they desire.

8. Due to the collateral damage clause, accomplices are NOT allowed this game.

Deadly Life (or investigation)
Spoiler: 1. Here, a file will go out revealing the identity of the victim, location of the body, and minor details about the corpse. Additional info can vary depending on the circumstances.

2. Players send the host a PM with the location/locations they wish to investigate. Each player has 2 investigation credits which they can choose to use to either SCAN or INDEPTH rooms. A room can be "scanned" by spending 1 credit, and investigated "in-depth" for 2 credits. In-depth gives more information than scanning; scanning is just a glance around. The victim's body counts as a seperate room. Every player's own room also counts as a separate room.

3. Only things revealed at face value are shown to the player. It's up to them to look for hidden clues or investigate pieces of evidence further. This can be done by asking the host questions about the given investigation results. For example, if there's bloody bush in the crime scene, players can PM the host saying something like "Is there anything in the bush?"/"I investigate the bush". You have unlimited questions, but 24 hours after trial starts question time is over. Seriously, folks, asking these questions could be the difference between life and death.

4. This period lasts for 24 hours (under normal circumstances), and then the Class Trial will begin.

Class Trial
Spoiler: 1. The remaining Players will discuss for two days about the murder and possible suspects. The host can choose to increase the trial's duration before or even during the trial if asked, has to, or it seems no progress has been made. Max extension is one day.

2. At the start of the trial, a list containing all of the names of the remaining players will be shown in a spoiler. You PM the host which person you want to vote any time during the trial, and he will post a list stating how many people are voting a certain person, but not who. You can change your vote whenever you want, but just two times.

3. After two days (plus the possible extension) pass, no more votes will be accepted, and no more posts will be allowed until the results are posted.

Spoiler: 1. The player with the most votes is executed. If a tie occurs, the kill will be randomized.

2. If the players did not vote off The Blackened, this shall be revealed to all involved and the innocent who has been voted out shall be executed. After this, a second inncoent shall be randomly chosen as collateral damage and executed.
The Blackened is then presented with two choices to choose from:

A) They may choose to leave the game as they have won.
B) They may stay in the game. Their identity will be revealed to the other players and they may choose to apply to be The Blackened once again at a later point.
C) They may choose to stay in the game, but not to reveal their identity. The cost of this is that they will automatically be chosen as The Blackened for the next night. However, they will receive a special bonus that will be revealed to them on the night. If they manage to get away with murder a second time, the game ends with them as the sole victor.

3. If The Blackened is voted off, then they shall be the only person executed and the remaining players will get a little gift as a congratulations.

4. After this, intermission starts. During intermission, anybody may comment, including spectators and the not-so-dearly departed.

Extra information
Spoiler: 1. One round of inactivity in a game will result in removal from the game by execution. You are counted active by posting in a Class Trial AND ACTIVELY TAKING PART IN DISCUSSION. As mentioned, if you are inactive during the Night, then the host makes decisions for you. This may or may not result in you being maimed or killed, so don't be surprised if you disappear for three days and come back to your character in a wheelchair.

[*]Please note, I am going to be a lot stricter on this than I was before. Any attempts to avoid a kick (For example, by posting a single one-word post after being prodded) WILL SEE YOU IMMEDIATELY EXECUTED. I get that people have lives, but radio silence just ain't fair to your fellow players, especially when you do it in a vital moment like the trial.

2. Once only three or less players remain, the game shall reach The Finale, and the Final Game shall begin. More information about the events of the Final Trial shall be revealed if we get there.

3. The Blackened has two extra actions that occur after everyone else has gone to sleep. HOWEVER, The Blackened cannot kill a player during these two actions, as by this time the other players are in their rooms which are impenetrable to anyone except the Host, who won't be killing people for you.

- Exceptions are traps: If a killer plans to set a trap in someone's bedroom so they die after A6, I'll allow it. But it better be good.

4. If you feel like you will need a replacement, please let the host know AS SOON AS POSSIBLE instead of just disappearing. For one, that's just rude to the other players, and for another, it's effectively fucking over your replacement, especially if you decide to do so mid-trial.

5. After introductions are done, PLEASE DO NOT EDIT POSTS. And please try to avoid multiposting. Let others have a chance to speak.

6. Each player will have skills based on their Ultimate talents. Each player will also have a forbidden action, written at the bracelet at their hand. Oh, also each of players will have a bracelet at their hands, which is equipped with poison. Any player may attempt removing their bracelet but it will probably not work, and even if it works the host will replace the bracelet immedieatly anyway. If any player breaks their forbidden action, they will be injected with the poison at their bracelet immedieatly.
7. When applying for being blackened, you may ask for one player's forbidden action and extra information. I will give the information of one player's forbidden action definitely, when about other questions, I may give or not give full or partial information. If blackened is chosen by RNG, they may ask during the first 24 hours after they have been notified and I will answer them as soon as possible.

The game will begin once 12 victims players have joined. If a week passes without reaching that target, we shall begin 24 hours after we reach 10 players.
To signup, you have to fill this template and post it:

Template wrote:Name:
Your ultimate talent:
Age (less than 100 but higher than 18):
Gender (or lack thereof):
Picture (optional):

(A small reminder there, your skills and forbidden action will be determined basen on your ultimate talent. Also, if two of characters have exact same age they would probably know each other flavor-wise, so it may be a good idea to choose age based on whether you may play it flavor-wise or not.)

If you have any questions, do ask.

Most of this OP has been shamelessly stolen borrowed from LetitiaWilson, who also shamelessly stole borrowed from Segaco's games and modified. So thank you, Orange Person (and I guess LetitiaWilson, too)!

Last note: Can everyone write how much spoilers they are okay with in the game about Dangan Ronpa when signing up? Originally, I planned no spoilers except story being connected to it somewhat and game taking place in a timeline after DR3, but if everyone is okay with it I might adjust the game accordingly. Otherwise, I will just make subtle connections with no spoilers.
Last edited by UzayAltay on Sun Aug 15, 2021 2:46 pm, edited 53 times in total.
46-46 Spoiler: Town Games(27-32)

NFM50,NFM51,NFM52,14D,14E, NFM54 ,14H (AF), 14G, NFM 55, NFM 56, 15C, NFM 57, NFM 58,15F,SFM45,16B, VFM36, 16D , SFM 47 , VFM38, NFM62 , 16G ,VFM 39, EpisodeXVII, 17B , 17C , VFM44 , 17D , 17F,18C,18D,18E,VFM55,VFM57,SFM64, 19C,VFM58,VFM59 ,19D,VFM60,SFM66,SFM67,VFM64,SFM70,VFM69,XX7,XX9, VFM71,VFM72, VFM73, VFM74, 21A,VFM75,VFM76,XX14,VFM77,XX16,VFM78,VFM79

Scum Games (19-14)

NFM 48 , NFM 49 , TFM 65 ,TFM 66 , Episode XV ,TFM68 ,VFM 34, NFM61 , VFM42 , SFM53, VFM43,17E,VFM49,SFM60,CFM19,VFM54, EpisodeXIX, SFM63, 19E, 19F ,VFM62 ,VFM63,XX3,VFM66,XX5,VFM67,XX6,SFM72,XX8,VFM70,XX10,SFM76,SFM80
[Forum Mafia XV] Winner
[Forum Mafia XV] Winner
Posts: 645
Joined: Tue May 02, 2017 10:17 am

Re: Dangan Ronpa XXVI Signups

Postby UzayAltay » Sun Apr 18, 2021 5:15 am


1) The Pink Knight , Ultimate Knight (Ezradekezra) - ??? - ???
2) Jan Jäger , Ultimate Cat Caretaker (CheezePie) - 3 cat years - he
3) Marcella Usoro , Ultimate Medic (AcidicBreeze) - 22 - she
4) Caleb Whitley, Ultimate Free Diver (dolphina) - 19 - he
5) Brie Cheddar, Ultimate Illusionist (ejjinami) - 24 - she
Erika Furudo, Ultimate Detective (TheGreatFurudoErika) - 18 - she
6) Illumidi Nati, Ultimate Conspiracy Theorist (cob709) - 20 - he
7) Faustus Constantine , Ultimate Motivational Speaker (LetitiaWilson) - 23 - they
8) Juniper Payne , Ultimate Statistician (JacksonVirgo) - 19 - she
9) Karane Tohsaka , Ultimate Tsundere (watchme1) - 21 - she
10) Nikki Flamel , Ultimate Alchemist (Emily372) - 19 - she
11) Jordan Tani , Ultimate Programmer (itsmedash2) - 20 - he/they
12) Brooke Melodia , Ultimate Gardener (Chemist1422) - 22 - she
sth sth thanks Ezra


The Pink Knight (Ezradekezra)
Jan Jäger (CheezePie)
Marcella Usoro (AcidicBreeze)
Caleb Whitley (dolphina)
Brie Cheddar (ejjinami)
Erika Furudo (TheGreatFurudoErika)
Illumidi Nati (cob709)
Faustun Constantine (LetitiaWilson)
Juniper Payne (JacksonVirgo)
Karane Tohsaka (watchme1)
Nikki Flamel (Emily372)
Jordan Tani (itsmedash2)
Brooke Melodia (Chemist1422)
Last edited by UzayAltay on Sat Jun 12, 2021 4:32 am, edited 15 times in total.
46-46 Spoiler: Town Games(27-32)

NFM50,NFM51,NFM52,14D,14E, NFM54 ,14H (AF), 14G, NFM 55, NFM 56, 15C, NFM 57, NFM 58,15F,SFM45,16B, VFM36, 16D , SFM 47 , VFM38, NFM62 , 16G ,VFM 39, EpisodeXVII, 17B , 17C , VFM44 , 17D , 17F,18C,18D,18E,VFM55,VFM57,SFM64, 19C,VFM58,VFM59 ,19D,VFM60,SFM66,SFM67,VFM64,SFM70,VFM69,XX7,XX9, VFM71,VFM72, VFM73, VFM74, 21A,VFM75,VFM76,XX14,VFM77,XX16,VFM78,VFM79

Scum Games (19-14)

NFM 48 , NFM 49 , TFM 65 ,TFM 66 , Episode XV ,TFM68 ,VFM 34, NFM61 , VFM42 , SFM53, VFM43,17E,VFM49,SFM60,CFM19,VFM54, EpisodeXIX, SFM63, 19E, 19F ,VFM62 ,VFM63,XX3,VFM66,XX5,VFM67,XX6,SFM72,XX8,VFM70,XX10,SFM76,SFM80
[Forum Mafia XV] Winner
[Forum Mafia XV] Winner
Posts: 645
Joined: Tue May 02, 2017 10:17 am

Re: Dangan Ronpa XXVI Signups

Postby UzayAltay » Sun Apr 18, 2021 5:15 am

Outside map: Spoiler:

(green= huge trees which you must walk around
brown= bench)

Floor 1: Spoiler: Image

Floor 2: (First spoiler is original one, second one is redesigned by cob. I think cob's one is better but I will keep both to be safe.)
Spoiler: (original size= 508, 185 in case I wanna resize again)

Spoiler: Image
Floor 3: Spoiler: Image

Lines drawn with red: Symbolizes doors. Each door opens toward inside the room. The door between cafeteria and kitchen opens toward cafeteria.
Blue: Symbolizes windows. Each window is unbreakable. Only the window between kitchen and cafeteria may be opened.
Dashed line: shows the boundaries of part of rooms, but there is nothing which prevents moving there.
Floor 1 room explanations:
Spoiler: Kitchen: There is a fridge. There are usual kitchen equipments. Apparently, Monokuma prepared the breakfast there.
Rooms with numbers: Private rooms of yours. (your room's number is same with the number at player list) Floor is completely white.
Storage: Boxes with lots of items with a wooden floor.
Cafeteria: The floor's was white and black checkered. There was a few broad tables with chairs. At one of the tables, there are plates with and glasses with water. There are a few vending machines towards the left side of the room. Towards the back of the room, there is a service area (Thanks, Letitia) there is the area which normally cashier asks for what you wish as meal and reports it to the kitchen. (ooc PS- If anyone knows what this is called in English, feel free to write so I can change, I couldn't find it.) There are a few mini cabinet, which seems locked in first glance but may not be. There is also a coffee machine, a few cash boxes and a tip box. After that short look, everyone realized the chairs towards the right of the room, and sit down to their own chair.
(definitely not copy-pasted)
Stairs: These are the stairs going to the second floor. Unfortunately for you, the way to second floor is locked, but if you don't believe me, go see yourself. I decided you would be happy to move around to other floors and removed the door blocking second floor. Puhuhuhuhuhu. :)
Pool: There is a huge pool in the middle of the room. There are few showers towards the back wall, and some swimming equipment that may be handy. Floor is white.
Computer room: Lots of lots of computers and tables. There is also a blackboard. Wooden floor.
1st floor class: Teacher's table, blackboard, desks, cabinets. Standard stuff. The floor is white, and the walls are black. Walls are painted today, so pay attention to not touch it.
Teachers' room: This is the room teachers would rest, if they were around. Two computers towards the back, a big table at the middle. There are some shelves with various stuff, most being books. There is also a tea kettle with a few pockets of tea, next to the sink and mirror. There is a very luxury, red carpet, covering all the floor. Completely turned the dust.
Nurse's office: I didn't actually investigated there myself, so I cannot remember, but , it should be the nurse's private things and some medical things? It should be sth along this lines though I am unsure.
Gymnasium: There are tools used in sports. Have wooden floor. Turned the dust.

Floor 2 room explanations:

Spoiler: Stairs: Similar to first floor stairs. There are upstairs, which is blocked by a door, and downstairs. Both ways are unblocked.
Explaining these things to you are booooring.
Library/Reading area: The floor is wooden. Library is, library. There are several books at the shelves.There were shelves, but they are completely burnt. There is only one table and chair there, which was used to keep note of which book was taken when or sth.
Reading area have comfortable chairs, some tables, very good illimuniation, which I can say the best one for the entire facility. It is definitely the best place for reading.
Garden: Garden is seperated to two with the earth road passing through the middle of it. There are lots of plants there, also gardening stuff, well I cannot remember what is exactly used in gardening but shovel etc. Anyway you will know better than me anyway.
South side of garden takes much better sunlight during the day, though all garden is well illuminated in general. Also during the night, room is still illuminated but it is poor illumination to not mess with plants' growth. But there is nothing to afraid, right? Puhuhuhuhu.
2nd floor classroom: I hadn't noticed any difference compared to 1st floor classroom when I checked there, except we didn't painted the wall very recently. On the other hand, you may find more than me maybe.
Music room: Various instruments, a mini stage, few chairs and small tables, a blackboard, also other non-instrument music-related tools. Oh, also, almost forgetting to say. The room is completely soundproof, but only when the door is fully. closed. Has a nice, red carpet on the floor.
Chemistry lab: There are various chemicals usual lab stuff such as lab coats, gloves or safety tools, some fume hoods used in the labs, some chairsaround a huge table, and yeah things like that. Epoxy floor.
Biology lab: Similar to chemistry lab, but less chemicals and more microscobes, cell samples and things like that. Oh, also there was some mice and plants. Floor is similar to chem lab.
Oh, also, don't bring that monster there, for obvious reasons. :angry_monokuma:
Almost forgetting to say, there are some super-coolers at the backside of the room. I'd suggest you to not enter there, but you cannot anyway.
Vice-Principal's room: This room was where the vice principal was working in normal times. Probably some private stuff and some school documents. Have a nice wooden floor. Completely turned the dust.
Martial arts room: There are different areas seperated for different disciplines of martial arts. There are also some weapons used in martial arts, I guess.
The floor is covered with a specially made blue, soft carpet. Don't hesitate to fight as when you fall down it will probably hurt less.

Floor 3 Rooms:
Spoiler: Stairs: Similar to other stairs. There are upstairs, which is blocked by a door, and downstairs.
Conference hall: I am unsure... but this conference hall seems familiar. Yes, yes, I trust my conspiracy feelings there. That must be the conference hall we gathered for the anniversary.
Oh, what did I found? Well, it is the room with chairs, a scene, you know, usual conference hall.
3rd floor classroom: I couldn't check the cabinets yet but it felt identical to 2nd floor classroom.
Principal's office: That room felt me much emptier compared to vice principal's office, there are much less things to burn... ehm ehm... check. One computer, one table, a few sofa, one chair, one table plate and a few emblems of Hope's Peak Academy and a big picture of the principal spoke at the meeting.
Archive: Simply put, there are papers everywhere. It was very hard to look for me there due to dust smell, but it seems papers are organized well according to their times, I guess it wouldn't be so hard to look for a specific document therei given than you know the date of document.
??? : Even for me, this room was impossible to investigate. First, I couldn't see anything. Did Monokuma forget putting light there? Anyway, for second, there is absolutely nothing in the room, yes, I investigated there by hand but there is absolutely nothing in the room.
On the other hand, acoustics of the room is very good, my voice didn't echoed at all.
Art room: This isn't stuff I understand very well but I can say that this room was used for many different kinds of arts, mainly visual arts. There are a lot of sculptures, images, paintings etc. Feels like a refreshing room, but smells bad.
Horror room: That room is the room with mirror corridors, bad illumination, and, lots of scary stuff.
Well, I should say even I was scared from one or two.
Technology Lab: That lab had a futuristic aura, even for my conspiracy theories. I can say that there are probably a lot of technologic stuff we hadn't heard about.
I couldn't check anything but I can say I saw few weird machines, a few robots and some virtual reality glasses.
A/V room: Usual A/V room. Chairs, one screen, two loudspeakers, I guess the lights are automatically closed when there is a video playing because I couldn't find any light switch and it is illuminated very well. Oh, also there is a machine which seems to connected to screen and loudspeakers which you can plave your audio/video I guess.
Oh, lastly I found a few casette tapes at one of the tables. I haven't took any of them, though they seem oddly placed.
Last edited by UzayAltay on Mon Aug 09, 2021 12:06 pm, edited 21 times in total.
46-46 Spoiler: Town Games(27-32)

NFM50,NFM51,NFM52,14D,14E, NFM54 ,14H (AF), 14G, NFM 55, NFM 56, 15C, NFM 57, NFM 58,15F,SFM45,16B, VFM36, 16D , SFM 47 , VFM38, NFM62 , 16G ,VFM 39, EpisodeXVII, 17B , 17C , VFM44 , 17D , 17F,18C,18D,18E,VFM55,VFM57,SFM64, 19C,VFM58,VFM59 ,19D,VFM60,SFM66,SFM67,VFM64,SFM70,VFM69,XX7,XX9, VFM71,VFM72, VFM73, VFM74, 21A,VFM75,VFM76,XX14,VFM77,XX16,VFM78,VFM79

Scum Games (19-14)

NFM 48 , NFM 49 , TFM 65 ,TFM 66 , Episode XV ,TFM68 ,VFM 34, NFM61 , VFM42 , SFM53, VFM43,17E,VFM49,SFM60,CFM19,VFM54, EpisodeXIX, SFM63, 19E, 19F ,VFM62 ,VFM63,XX3,VFM66,XX5,VFM67,XX6,SFM72,XX8,VFM70,XX10,SFM76,SFM80
[Forum Mafia XV] Winner
[Forum Mafia XV] Winner
Posts: 645
Joined: Tue May 02, 2017 10:17 am

Re: Dangan Ronpa XXVI Signups

Postby UzayAltay » Sun Apr 18, 2021 5:15 am


1) Marcella Usoro , Ultimate Medic (AcidicBreeze) - 22 - she
2) Erika Furudo, Ultimate Detective (TheGreatFurudoErika) - 18 - she
3) Illumidi Nati, Ultimate Conspiracy Theorist (cob709) - 20 - he
4) Brooke Melodia , Ultimate Gardener (Chemist1422) - 22 - she


1) Caleb Whitley, Ultimate Free Diver (dolphina) - 19 - he
Last edited by UzayAltay on Sun Jul 11, 2021 4:00 am, edited 7 times in total.
46-46 Spoiler: Town Games(27-32)

NFM50,NFM51,NFM52,14D,14E, NFM54 ,14H (AF), 14G, NFM 55, NFM 56, 15C, NFM 57, NFM 58,15F,SFM45,16B, VFM36, 16D , SFM 47 , VFM38, NFM62 , 16G ,VFM 39, EpisodeXVII, 17B , 17C , VFM44 , 17D , 17F,18C,18D,18E,VFM55,VFM57,SFM64, 19C,VFM58,VFM59 ,19D,VFM60,SFM66,SFM67,VFM64,SFM70,VFM69,XX7,XX9, VFM71,VFM72, VFM73, VFM74, 21A,VFM75,VFM76,XX14,VFM77,XX16,VFM78,VFM79

Scum Games (19-14)

NFM 48 , NFM 49 , TFM 65 ,TFM 66 , Episode XV ,TFM68 ,VFM 34, NFM61 , VFM42 , SFM53, VFM43,17E,VFM49,SFM60,CFM19,VFM54, EpisodeXIX, SFM63, 19E, 19F ,VFM62 ,VFM63,XX3,VFM66,XX5,VFM67,XX6,SFM72,XX8,VFM70,XX10,SFM76,SFM80
[Forum Mafia XV] Winner
[Forum Mafia XV] Winner
Posts: 645
Joined: Tue May 02, 2017 10:17 am

Re: Dangan Ronpa XXVI Signups

Postby UzayAltay » Sun Apr 18, 2021 5:16 am

Reserved for timeline, I guess?
46-46 Spoiler: Town Games(27-32)

NFM50,NFM51,NFM52,14D,14E, NFM54 ,14H (AF), 14G, NFM 55, NFM 56, 15C, NFM 57, NFM 58,15F,SFM45,16B, VFM36, 16D , SFM 47 , VFM38, NFM62 , 16G ,VFM 39, EpisodeXVII, 17B , 17C , VFM44 , 17D , 17F,18C,18D,18E,VFM55,VFM57,SFM64, 19C,VFM58,VFM59 ,19D,VFM60,SFM66,SFM67,VFM64,SFM70,VFM69,XX7,XX9, VFM71,VFM72, VFM73, VFM74, 21A,VFM75,VFM76,XX14,VFM77,XX16,VFM78,VFM79

Scum Games (19-14)

NFM 48 , NFM 49 , TFM 65 ,TFM 66 , Episode XV ,TFM68 ,VFM 34, NFM61 , VFM42 , SFM53, VFM43,17E,VFM49,SFM60,CFM19,VFM54, EpisodeXIX, SFM63, 19E, 19F ,VFM62 ,VFM63,XX3,VFM66,XX5,VFM67,XX6,SFM72,XX8,VFM70,XX10,SFM76,SFM80
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Re: Dangan Ronpa XXVI Signups

Postby UzayAltay » Sun Apr 18, 2021 5:16 am

Extra Reserve
46-46 Spoiler: Town Games(27-32)

NFM50,NFM51,NFM52,14D,14E, NFM54 ,14H (AF), 14G, NFM 55, NFM 56, 15C, NFM 57, NFM 58,15F,SFM45,16B, VFM36, 16D , SFM 47 , VFM38, NFM62 , 16G ,VFM 39, EpisodeXVII, 17B , 17C , VFM44 , 17D , 17F,18C,18D,18E,VFM55,VFM57,SFM64, 19C,VFM58,VFM59 ,19D,VFM60,SFM66,SFM67,VFM64,SFM70,VFM69,XX7,XX9, VFM71,VFM72, VFM73, VFM74, 21A,VFM75,VFM76,XX14,VFM77,XX16,VFM78,VFM79

Scum Games (19-14)

NFM 48 , NFM 49 , TFM 65 ,TFM 66 , Episode XV ,TFM68 ,VFM 34, NFM61 , VFM42 , SFM53, VFM43,17E,VFM49,SFM60,CFM19,VFM54, EpisodeXIX, SFM63, 19E, 19F ,VFM62 ,VFM63,XX3,VFM66,XX5,VFM67,XX6,SFM72,XX8,VFM70,XX10,SFM76,SFM80
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Re: Dangan Ronpa XXVI Signups

Postby UzayAltay » Sun Apr 18, 2021 5:17 am

Signups are open as now. Feel free to fill the template and join. Also, it would be very appreciated if you answer the thing at the end of opening post.
46-46 Spoiler: Town Games(27-32)

NFM50,NFM51,NFM52,14D,14E, NFM54 ,14H (AF), 14G, NFM 55, NFM 56, 15C, NFM 57, NFM 58,15F,SFM45,16B, VFM36, 16D , SFM 47 , VFM38, NFM62 , 16G ,VFM 39, EpisodeXVII, 17B , 17C , VFM44 , 17D , 17F,18C,18D,18E,VFM55,VFM57,SFM64, 19C,VFM58,VFM59 ,19D,VFM60,SFM66,SFM67,VFM64,SFM70,VFM69,XX7,XX9, VFM71,VFM72, VFM73, VFM74, 21A,VFM75,VFM76,XX14,VFM77,XX16,VFM78,VFM79

Scum Games (19-14)

NFM 48 , NFM 49 , TFM 65 ,TFM 66 , Episode XV ,TFM68 ,VFM 34, NFM61 , VFM42 , SFM53, VFM43,17E,VFM49,SFM60,CFM19,VFM54, EpisodeXIX, SFM63, 19E, 19F ,VFM62 ,VFM63,XX3,VFM66,XX5,VFM67,XX6,SFM72,XX8,VFM70,XX10,SFM76,SFM80
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Re: Dangan Ronpa XXVI Signups

Postby Ezradekezra » Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:01 am


Will edit character in soontm
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Re: Dangan Ronpa XXVI Signups

Postby CheezePie » Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:12 am


character later
also i don't mind any spoilers
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Re: Dangan Ronpa XXVI Signups

Postby AcidicBreeze » Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:14 am


Name: Marcella Usoro
ultimate talent: Ultimate Medic
Age (less than 100 but higher than 18): 21
Gender: Female
Picture (optional):

spoilers are fine on my end.
Last edited by AcidicBreeze on Mon Apr 19, 2021 7:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Dangan Ronpa XXVI Signups

Postby CheezePie » Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:35 am

Name: Jan Jäger (Jan kinda sounds like yarn and Jäger means hunter hahaha so funny!)
Your ultimate talent: Cat Caretaker
Age: 3 cat years
Gender: he
Picture (optional): cat
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Re: Dangan Ronpa XXVI Signups

Postby Ezradekezra » Sun Apr 18, 2021 7:36 am

Just gonna steal a character from a game

Name - The Pink Knight
Ultimate - Knight
Age - ???
Gender - ???

Spoilers aren't an issue for me
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Re: Dangan Ronpa XXVI Signups

Postby dolphina » Sun Apr 18, 2021 7:37 am


Name: Caleb Whitley
Your ultimate talent: Ultimate Free Diver
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Picture (Optional): maybe later but my drawing skills are shit

Spoilers: listen mate you can’t spoil me on anything i’ve already been spoiled long ago
Last edited by dolphina on Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dangan Ronpa XXVI Signups

Postby ejjinami » Sun Apr 18, 2021 9:38 am

character tbd

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Re: Dangan Ronpa XXVI Signups (Filled: 4)

Postby cob709 » Sun Apr 18, 2021 10:30 am


Will create a character later.

I haven't finished V3. If there are spoilers in flavor, pls put it in a [spoiler] tag and add a warning
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Re: Dangan Ronpa XXVI Signups (Filled: 4)

Postby UzayAltay » Sun Apr 18, 2021 10:38 am

cob709 wrote:/in

Will create a character later.

I haven't finished V3. If there are spoilers in flavor, pls put it in a [spoiler] tag and add a warning

I wasn't planning to put V3 anyway so you should be fine.
46-46 Spoiler: Town Games(27-32)

NFM50,NFM51,NFM52,14D,14E, NFM54 ,14H (AF), 14G, NFM 55, NFM 56, 15C, NFM 57, NFM 58,15F,SFM45,16B, VFM36, 16D , SFM 47 , VFM38, NFM62 , 16G ,VFM 39, EpisodeXVII, 17B , 17C , VFM44 , 17D , 17F,18C,18D,18E,VFM55,VFM57,SFM64, 19C,VFM58,VFM59 ,19D,VFM60,SFM66,SFM67,VFM64,SFM70,VFM69,XX7,XX9, VFM71,VFM72, VFM73, VFM74, 21A,VFM75,VFM76,XX14,VFM77,XX16,VFM78,VFM79

Scum Games (19-14)

NFM 48 , NFM 49 , TFM 65 ,TFM 66 , Episode XV ,TFM68 ,VFM 34, NFM61 , VFM42 , SFM53, VFM43,17E,VFM49,SFM60,CFM19,VFM54, EpisodeXIX, SFM63, 19E, 19F ,VFM62 ,VFM63,XX3,VFM66,XX5,VFM67,XX6,SFM72,XX8,VFM70,XX10,SFM76,SFM80
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Re: Dangan Ronpa XXVI Signups (Filled: 6)

Postby cob709 » Sun Apr 18, 2021 10:43 am

wait am i supposed to watch the anime before v3

ive seen the animation, but not the hope/despair/future arc
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Re: Dangan Ronpa XXVI Signups (Filled: 6)

Postby UzayAltay » Sun Apr 18, 2021 10:58 am

cob709 wrote:wait am i supposed to watch the anime before v3

ive seen the animation, but not the hope/despair/future arc

Normally yes but I had no problem with finishing v3 before 3, though others may have different ideas.
Well I don't wanna give you any DR3 spoilers, I also don't wanna keep doing this part of flavor includes spoilers for DR3 this part isn't kind of thing so for now I will keep spoilers DR1-DR2 limited with subtle connections to DR3 if needed.
46-46 Spoiler: Town Games(27-32)

NFM50,NFM51,NFM52,14D,14E, NFM54 ,14H (AF), 14G, NFM 55, NFM 56, 15C, NFM 57, NFM 58,15F,SFM45,16B, VFM36, 16D , SFM 47 , VFM38, NFM62 , 16G ,VFM 39, EpisodeXVII, 17B , 17C , VFM44 , 17D , 17F,18C,18D,18E,VFM55,VFM57,SFM64, 19C,VFM58,VFM59 ,19D,VFM60,SFM66,SFM67,VFM64,SFM70,VFM69,XX7,XX9, VFM71,VFM72, VFM73, VFM74, 21A,VFM75,VFM76,XX14,VFM77,XX16,VFM78,VFM79

Scum Games (19-14)

NFM 48 , NFM 49 , TFM 65 ,TFM 66 , Episode XV ,TFM68 ,VFM 34, NFM61 , VFM42 , SFM53, VFM43,17E,VFM49,SFM60,CFM19,VFM54, EpisodeXIX, SFM63, 19E, 19F ,VFM62 ,VFM63,XX3,VFM66,XX5,VFM67,XX6,SFM72,XX8,VFM70,XX10,SFM76,SFM80
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Re: Dangan Ronpa XXVI Signups

Postby ejjinami » Sun Apr 18, 2021 11:31 am

CheezePie wrote:Picture (optional): cat

10/10 xD

Name: Brie Cheddar
Ultimate talent: Ultimate Illusionist
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Picture (Optional):
Spoilers: Haven’t seen the entirety of DR3 but I don’t think I will. So go nuts

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Re: Dangan Ronpa XXVI Signups

Postby CheezePie » Sun Apr 18, 2021 11:49 am

ejjinami wrote:Name: Brie Cheddar
Ultimate talent: Ultimate Illusionist

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Re: Dangan Ronpa XXVI Signups (Filled: 6)

Postby LetitiaWilson » Sun Apr 18, 2021 1:46 pm


Name: Faustus Constantine (Connie for short)
Your ultimate talent: Poor Life Choice Maker Ultimate Motivational Speaker
Age (less than 100 but higher than 18): 23
Gender: 404 Gender Not Found (They/Them)
Picture (optional):
Spoilers: Spoilers don't bother me personally, but I know they might bother others and I don't just mean players.
Sayonara, bitches.
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Re: Dangan Ronpa XXVI Signups (Filled: 7)

Postby UzayAltay » Sun Apr 18, 2021 2:36 pm

Yeah I know how bad the feeling of the being spoiled is so I will go with lowest bar anyway.
Also sup. Game is filling in a good rate so far and I like how it's going.

Also I literally had a laugh when I realized Cheeze is going with Cat and Ejji is going with Cheddar surname.
46-46 Spoiler: Town Games(27-32)

NFM50,NFM51,NFM52,14D,14E, NFM54 ,14H (AF), 14G, NFM 55, NFM 56, 15C, NFM 57, NFM 58,15F,SFM45,16B, VFM36, 16D , SFM 47 , VFM38, NFM62 , 16G ,VFM 39, EpisodeXVII, 17B , 17C , VFM44 , 17D , 17F,18C,18D,18E,VFM55,VFM57,SFM64, 19C,VFM58,VFM59 ,19D,VFM60,SFM66,SFM67,VFM64,SFM70,VFM69,XX7,XX9, VFM71,VFM72, VFM73, VFM74, 21A,VFM75,VFM76,XX14,VFM77,XX16,VFM78,VFM79

Scum Games (19-14)

NFM 48 , NFM 49 , TFM 65 ,TFM 66 , Episode XV ,TFM68 ,VFM 34, NFM61 , VFM42 , SFM53, VFM43,17E,VFM49,SFM60,CFM19,VFM54, EpisodeXIX, SFM63, 19E, 19F ,VFM62 ,VFM63,XX3,VFM66,XX5,VFM67,XX6,SFM72,XX8,VFM70,XX10,SFM76,SFM80
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Re: Dangan Ronpa XXVI Signups (Filled: 6)

Postby dolphina » Sun Apr 18, 2021 2:48 pm

LetitiaWilson wrote:Your ultimate talent: Poor Life Choice Maker Ultimate Motivational Speaker

eternal mood
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Re: Dangan Ronpa XXVI Signups (Filled: 6)

Postby LetitiaWilson » Sun Apr 18, 2021 2:56 pm

dolphina wrote:
LetitiaWilson wrote:Your ultimate talent: Poor Life Choice Maker Ultimate Motivational Speaker

eternal mood

The best motivational people are the ones who made the mistake so you don't have to.
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Re: Dangan Ronpa XXVI Signups (Filled: 4)

Postby cob709 » Sun Apr 18, 2021 8:51 pm

cob709 wrote:Will create a character later.

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