What Is The Best Ambusher Strategy?

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What Is The Best Ambusher Strategy?

Postby Boredfan1 » Tue Mar 22, 2022 4:32 pm

I looked several pages back and so nothing about how to play as ambusher and whenever I play, what seems to happen is the ambusher chooses the jailor, kills a random visitor and then gets hanged the next door unless the town is completely garbage then they live all game. That actually happened in one of my games. So far, I just avoid high traffic targets like jailor or mayor and try to target someone I think will only have one person visiting them and it worked but then, the town that game was pretty bad.

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Re: What Is The Best Ambusher Strategy?

Postby Stella8 » Fri Apr 08, 2022 8:43 am

1) Avoid Jailor in N1. > This is golden rule.

2) Visit the certain targets which should have said by others to investigated/rbed/transed that night.

3) Act natural.
Names which I choose usually in the games:

♥ miyu
♥ stella
♥ ahri
♥ kitsune
♥ Leda

Favourite roles: Vigilante, Spy, Consort, Forger, Jester
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Re: What Is The Best Ambusher Strategy?

Postby InvaderXD » Mon Mar 20, 2023 3:04 am

Ambush people who claim survivor, you'll likely kill a TI.
Ask TIs who they are visiting, or tell them to visit certain people, then ambush them.
You can do the same for TPs as "I'm lookout I want to confirm them."
If you have a forger, you can forge someone as a medium, and tell them that a random person is ambusher.
You can have a simlar effect with escorts and vigilantes, tell them you are susp of a random silent person, then ambush.

All in all, playing ambusher is being proactive, you don't wait for people to visit, you get people to visit.

Remember, if you seem active, collecting claims, posting daily, and in general talking, most people wont be suspicious of you
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